Attractions around Kampong Thom
Explore 7 attractions, restaurants, shops around Kampong Thom
4.5 (146)
Sambo Preykuk Temples
Kampong Thom Cambodia
5.0 (86)
Soban Teuk
Kampong Thom 06202 Cambodia
We are a homestay, we offer rooms, meals and activities adapted to your request (tailor-made) in a warm and family friendly place. We offer several routes where no one goes for to discover off the beaten track rural Cambodia with its magnificent landscapes in all seasons and meet the warm and friendly inhabitants. We offer all-inclusive packages, visit our website.
4.0 (41)
phnom sontok
Ko Koh Village, Kampong Thom Cambodia
5.0 (31)
Santuk Silks
Santuk Village, Kampong Thom 0000 Cambodia
Weaving quality silk products we aim to be a sustainable business to help improve the lives of our workers. Santuk Silks is the perfect stop to explore the ancient art of silk production and weaving. From silk worm through to beautiful hand weaved silk scarves created in a peaceful Khmer farm setting. Enjoy delicious Khmer food and refreshments. Silk products are available for purchase.
3.5 (23)
Old Colonial Governers Mansion and Bat Colony
Stung Sen Road, Government and Administration Quarter, Kampong Thom Cambodia
4.0 (18)
Prasat Yeai Poeun
Kampong Thom Cambodia
4.0 (17)
Phnom Santuk Temple
Kampong Thom Cambodia